Spanish Air Traffic Controllers’ Non-Strike Strike

EDITORIAL: Spanish courts have ruled there was no plan by air traffic controllers to close Spanish airspace in December 2010, making sanctions against workers in Barcelona difficult to comprehend.

Eurocontrol reported 0% delays due to industrial action by Spanish air traffic controllers after two days of partial stoppages, with two more days (Friday, Sunday) still to go. The minimum services agreed upon by the Ministry of Public Works and ENAIRE, the public company responsible for air traffic control in Spanish skies, were 70% of normal levels, but that figure has been interpreted in such a way as to affect 70% of scheduled staffing levels, not 70% of service provisions, leading to the 0% delay figure at Eurocontrol and the Minister of Public Works, Ana Pastor, announcing triumphantly on Monday night, after the first day of stoppages, that between 98% and 100% of flights were on time.

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